Banbury Academy, a new initiative of Banbury Crossroads School, is dedicated to providing specialized education for students with diverse learning needs. With the Academy, we ensure that no student is left behind by introducing concepts through teacher-led instruction and allowing students to progress at their own pace. Our class sizes maintain a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, emulating one-on-one tutoring. This approach guarantees optimal understanding and personalized support, facilitated by both teachers and Educational Assistants.

At Banbury Academy, while we offer flexibility in pacing, our program is not self-directed. Teachers are always present to provide direct and explicit instruction, ensuring that students receive the guidance and support necessary to grasp and master each concept. Our robust mentoring system further enhances this support. Each student is paired with a mentor teacher, meeting daily for goal setting and weekly for comprehensive discussions on academic progress, social and emotional well-being, and areas needing additional support. Our mentors are skilled in recommending and implementing strategies to support each student’s unique needs.

Banbury Academy’s establishment is a significant milestone in our over 40-year history of supporting students seeking a personalized education. As we launch in the 2024-2025 academic year, we are excited to foster an inclusive and accessible learning environment, ensuring that all our students reach their full potential.

The Banbury Crossroads Elite Performance Program is designed for high-level athletes and performers who require a flexible academic schedule to balance their demanding training and performance commitments. This program is integrated within our normal school structure, offering a self-directed learning environment with a 10:1 student-to-teacher ratio.

Our flexible scheduling allows students to attend games, practices, and recitals during the day without compromising their education. By eliminating mandatory homework, we ensure that students have ample time to focus on their training and performances. Teachers collaborate closely with students to provide the best academic support, allowing them to excel in both their academic pursuits and chosen fields.

The Elite Performance Program at Banbury Crossroads School ensures that students can achieve excellence in their academic and performance endeavors, providing the flexibility and support necessary to thrive in both arenas.